Mark's CEO Reflection

In July 2022, I announced that I would be retiring from full-time work as the CEO at Warrigal. As I enter this new and exciting stage of life as a retiree, it has allowed me time to reflect on my career and life experiences.  

After 15 years of being a CEO, 20 years before that in management (10 of which were in Government), and being on seven boards (four of which I have been the chair), I have been lucky enough to learn from many different people while establishing my own views on what I believe what not only makes a great leader, but a great contributor to our workplaces and communities.

I’d love to share with you some of the things that I have learned over the years, and tips I would like to pass on for your own lives and careers.

Tip 1 – Get good at prompt decision making.

A leader’s success is summed up in how good they are at making decisions. Big, small, annual, daily – they all matter and define your role. Delays cost money, and in some situations, can even cost lives. Most of the frustration experienced in organisations is a result of poor decisions that are poorly communicated. It’s best to make a call, explain the why, move forward, and have no regrets.

Tip 2 – Know what a good process looks like.

I’ve also noticed that a good leader is also dedicated to good management of good organisational processes – especially when it comes to customer service. Transactions are important to get things done, and good processes work for everything & everyone. Don’t restructure with disruptive changes. Instead continually refine the systems and processes you have in place. Continuous improvement is almost always better than a distracting reorganisation.

Get rid of the red tape, and instead create repeatable, simple, sound processes – this is what makes a good organisation.

Tip 3 – Relationships matter most.

This might just be the most important suggestion of all. Create a people-centred culture. It works, because people matter most! A culture of trust enables engagement and satisfaction that enlarges all of your efforts. Don’t make it harder for yourself – magnify your leadership, and encourage everyone around you.

Trustworthy engagement greases the wheels of everything you do, and the CEO’s role is to be the Chief Encouragement Officer.

And finally – some personal tips…

When managing yourself, give it all away to get it all back. Your time, your talent, and so on isn’t for you, it’s for others. Be generous and responsive, and set the tone for everyone around you as a giver not a taker. Imagine if your team and everyone around you did the same. Even in your family – your children & grandchildren’s lives could be enlarged. It would be a compelling approach for everyone who came into contact with you. Challenge yourself to treat the world better than it treats you. Reciprocity works, give it a go. Don’t hold back.


Mark Sewell

Contact us

2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Fax: 4257 4232

Toll free: 1800 WARRIGAL

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