Launch of the Energy Efficiency in the 3rd Age (EE3A) at Warrigal

The Energy Efficiency in the 3rd Age Initiative was officially launched at Warrigal.

by the Hon. Bob Baldwin MP, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry.

The Energy Efficiency in the 3rd Age (EE3A) initiative will aim to deliver outcomes that are good for the

environment while enabling this section of our community to run their households and actively engage

in a range of activities while staying safe, warm and comfortable.

The EE3A project is one of a number of initiatives being funded by the Australian Government through

its Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP).

Mr Baldwin said the aims of EE3A were to identify better ways to improve the energy efficiency of low income households and enable them to manage their usage without impacting on their quality of life.

The EE3A initiative is being driven by a consortium of high profile local organisations including Regional

Development Australia Illawarra (RDAI), the University of Wollongong, IRT Group, Warrigal (inspiring

communities for older people), Illawarra Forum, WEA Illawarra, Southern Councils Group and the Royal

Freemason's Benevolent Institution (RFBI) - some of the most experienced organisations in the areas

of data collection, research, aged care and education.

The multi-million dollar project includes $2.3 million from the Australian Government and a further $1.2

million from the consortium organisations.

The EE3A project has recruited 800 people to participate in various trials run by the University of

Wollongong over the next 2 years. The participating households are from the local government areas of

Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama, Shoalhaven & Wingecarribee and include Warrigal residents.


The program will include an awareness raising program, engagement with local manufacturers and suppliers to trial new green approaches and a large research component to intensively monitor the impacts of the energy efficiency technologies and behaviour changes of the project, conducted by the University of Wollongong.



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