Lillian Celebrates her 90th Birthday

Lillian Neate recently celebrated her 90th birthday with family and friends.


Lillian and husband Alan have been residents at Warrigal Albion Park Rial for the last 10 years. Lillian ceelbrated her 90th birthday at her Albion Park Rail home surroinded by her three children and close family and friends. Lillian had a second birthday celebration with nearly 70 guests at the Dapto baptist Church on Valentine's Day - two days after her birthday!


Lillian, originally from Leeton, NSW moved to Sydney as a child and completed her schooling before becoming a teacher. Lillian and Alan met when they were both living in the Blue Mountains. Alan and Lillian had three children and have had a wonderful married life. After entering the Baptist Ministry, over 60 years ago, the Neates have been very forunate to have travelled extensivey before retiring to Bateman's Bay initially and more recently to Albion Park Rail

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2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Fax: 4257 4232

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