Get together this Christmas

Christmas, New Year, school holidays, festivities, or the silly season. No matter how you put it, there is something special about this time of year. It’s a time for reflection on how we have spent 2013, and for dreaming about how to spend 2014. It’s a time for revelling in the things that mean most to us; be that family or test cricket.

The last twelve months at Warrigal have been a time of review where we asked all our older friends how we can best support them to live great lives. We got lots of honest feedback and had to develop a new philosophy, a new strategic plan and a new 10 year expansion plan.

We've had many reasons to celebrate too with our staff and volunteers winning NSW awards and recognised as National Finalists for volunteering and environmental sustainability. We've also been recognised as an Employer of Choice For Women for our tenth straight year and now have been selected by the NSW government to build a very important aged care and community hub at Shell Cove.

On a more general note, we are quietly chuffed that the importance of the support we provide for older people is making an impact on the business side of things. The latest IRIS economic report shows that health care and social assistance is now ranked as the biggest provider of jobs in the Illawarra, with residential aged care providers ranked as the second fastest growth area. We have 750 staff at 10 locations that really make a difference to regional economies and communities and families.

Whilst I no longer have little kids at my place ripping open presents on Christmas Day, I do love being with my adult children and their partners, and my parents and parents in law who are alive and enjoying their later years. Whether you live in your own place or an apartment or a community village or with your kids or with your parents or in a residential care home I hope you have a fun Christmas with friends, family and food. I am going to be meeting hundreds of people across Warrigal's places during December and I always love seeing the fun that people have when they get together to celebrate Christmas. Whatever you do, get together with others, even if its a neighbour you hardly ever see. Go on, get together!

If you'd like to use the extra time you might have after Christmas to have a no-obligation visit to one of our residential care homes or community villages just give us a call on 1800 626 670 or visit our website at, we love showing people around.



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Contact us

2 Pine Street, Albion Park Rail, NSW 2527
PO Box 435 Albion Park, NSW 2527
Fax: 4257 4232

Toll free: 1800 WARRIGAL

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Volunteer with us

Warrigal was founded by volunteers and they continue to be vital to ensuring our residents happiness. From driving buses to regular visits, even assisting with our business operations, we have many varied opportunities for anyone who would like to donate their time, energy and skills to Warrigal’s residents.

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